Monday, January 24, 2011

Artwork from 'The Break-up', and how to avoid one during your remodeling!

Today, while researching different design blogs, I came across a great article about the artwork from the apartment from 'The Break-Up'.  I have always loved the apartment (even though clearly they need some more reclaimed wood furniture from croft house), and love the argument they get into about the "puffy paint clouds" vs "aesthetic."  Needless to say, we get lots of couples in here who have been through a lot redecorating and even remodeling, and are somewhat emotionally drained from the process.  This is a tough place to be, and we know that - thats why we try to make it a point to remind people that both parties will be sharing this place, and with sharing its never %50-%50, its %100 - %100.  You both gotta love it! And you will...

If your feeling bogged down, frustrated, or spent with the process - and find yourself arguing about drapes or kitchen island heights, please remember that Rome wasn't built in a day.  Make an agreement with your significant other to not worry/talk/look at/or debate about anything related to redoing or buying for the house for 1 week (if your on a deadline, make it 48 hours).  Take this time to enjoy one another, and what you have accomplished.  It is very important to get settled in the new home/office/nursery/etc. but not at the expense of your happiness and relationship.  I promise that if you can do this, you will return to the task with a fresh set of eyes.  More often then not, you might find that it wasn't the crimson drapes you found to be "overbearing and intense" - it might have just been the energy around the decision!

For more tips on how to design your house with your partner stay tuned!!

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